Index: Karolinska Institutet: KI Solna: Department of Neuroscience

Building a Lego-stainer

Supervisor: Jan Mulder
Postal Address: Biomedicum
Solnavägen 9
Telephone: +46852481421


Our research group is part of the human protein atlas project with a focus on brain. One of our projects aims to visualize the distribution of proteins in the mouse brain (example) using the thousands of antibodies generated within the project. For this we developed a pipeline including immunofluorescence labeling of target proteins, microscopy to visualize the protein location and image processing to optimize the images for online publication. Several steps in the workflow are (semi) automated, but the immunofluorescence labeling step still requires many hands-on steps that are time consuming and source for technical variation. We have explored commercial (robotics) solutions to automate staining protocols, but could not find a system that could easily be implemented in our workflow.
If you cannot buy it than build it! I am looking for a master student and LEGO fanatic with an affinity for technology and science that would together with the people in the laboratory build a modular (automated) solution for our standard and more advanced staining protocols. The basis will be LEGO mindstorm and you will need to design modules and 3D print your own bricks and perform tests.

Intended learning outcomes:
Fully understand immunofluorescence based staining protocols and identify critical steps and requirements in the protocol (modules).
Learning how to create concept designs
Create modules and demonstrate the proof of principle and perform measurements to identify the best design and added value.

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