Index: Karolinska Institutet: KI North: Department of Medicine, Solna

CD8 T cell responses to infection

Supervisor: Carmen Gerlach
Department: Medicine, Solna


Our lab does basic science in cellular and molecular immunology, and studies immune responses mediated by T cells.

T cells play a crucial role in providing protection against many infections and developing cancers. In recent years it has become clear that T cells are an extremely diverse group of immune cells, and that different T cell subsets have different properties.

T cell subsets differ with respect to their expression of cell surface receptors, their production of inflammatory and cytotoxic mediators, their anatomic localization, and their migratory behavior. As a consequence, not all T cell subsets play an equal role in the control of infections and tumors, or the pathology associated with inflammatory disorders. What we find particularly interesting is that such diversity exists even among T cells that recognize the exact same antigen. Using a combination of several state-of-the-art single-cell technologies, we study how different CD8 T cell subsets arise, and what mechanisms underlie their specific properties.

If you are genuinely interested in science, are fascinated by the basic mechanisms that drive T cell responses, have the social skills to work in a collaborative research environment, and would like to join our team for a research project, please get in contact.

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