Index: Karolinska Institutet: KI North: Department of Women's and Children's Health

Human primordial germ cell-like cell specification and progression using gonadal organoid co-cultures

Supervisor: João Pedro Alves Lopes
Department: Women's and Children's Health
Postal Address: NORDFERTIL Research Lab Stockholm (Jan-Bernd Stukenborg group)
Childhood Cancer Research Unit | Department of Women’s and Children’s Health (KBH)
Karolinska Institutet
Bioclinicum J9:30 | Akademiska stråket 1, 171 64 Solna

E-mail: (João Pedro Alves Lopes) (Jan-Bernd Stukenborg)

In the NORDFERTIL research lab, we are focused on developmental biology, reproductive medicine and fertility preservation. Our work is divided into two main lines of research: (1) The development of 3D culture methodologies to support mammalian spermatogonial stem cell differentiation into spermatozoa (occurring during post-natal period) and (2) the study of human primordial germ cell (hPGC) specification, migration and early gonadal colonization until the onset of gametogenesis (occurring during embryonic and fetal periods). This project is related with our second line of research.

Specifically, the project aims to established relevant protocols for hPGC-like cell (hPGCLC) specification and maturation in vitro. For this purpose, we are utilizing hPSC-derived organoids to model the interactions between hPGCLCs and their supportive somatic tissues.

The applicant Master’s student will have the opportunity to be involved in the planning, execution and analysis of some of the project related experiments. At the same time he/she will have the opportunity to acquire skills on:
•Experimental design
•hESC and hiPSC culture
•hPGCLC specification protocols
•Organoid co-culture
•Confocal microscopy
•Data presentation

If you would like to hear more details or if you have any question to us related with this project, please contact us (

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